Does A South African ID Make You A South African? Chichi And Miss SA Sparks Debate
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Comments (23)
According to the law no 88 of 1995
In terms of Section 4 (3) of the amended Act stated that: “A child born in the Republic of parents who are not South African citizens or who have not been admitted into the Republic for permanent residence, qualifies to apply for South African citizenship upon becoming a major if –
He or she has lived in the Republic from the date of his or her birth to the date of becoming a major; and
His or her birth has been registered in accordance with the provisions of the Births and Deaths Registration Act of 1992
Despite South Africa passing their first Citizenship Act no. 88 of 1995, it was discovered in 2010 that the Act made no provisions for children born to foreign parents in South Africa
This clearly states that these kids have rights and the country is failing to allow those kids to exercise those rights because if they give citizenship to the kids the parents automatically become citizens as well
Due to south Africa being so Xenophobic they are willing to break the rules to keep foreigners from coming to South Africa
The funny part is that someone in affairs that you so trust is selling your ID those foreigners for a quick cash
My point is she is a citizen
Whether we like it or not she is allowed to participate. Maybe you can “red flag” her on not posting the SA flag but other then that there is nothing wrong that she did
When you open your brest in public and say it is our culture who's going choose you to repsent miss south africa
It becomes important for home affairs to verify
"Thankful 'SIS' OWAMIE…'In RSA The 'DOMICILE/RESIDENCE Of The 'MOTHER' Determines The 'CITIZENSHIP' Of The 'CHILD (Domicile ACT)'"
She's gonna fly Mozambiquen & Nija flag high…with our S.A crown😢😢I saw the way she was celebrating😌😌 with nigerians😩😩
She is hot but she doesn't belong to us pure Nigerian she must go and represent her country wake up South Africans!!!!!!!oneday their gonna give us the president from of the foreign country s and told us that he is born in South Africa LET'S put South African first guys 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Home affairs is like a mall you can buy anything
Guys, you need to keep the same energy for the white people and indians controlling your country. The hatred for your fellow africans is so weird but if its a white person you wont even dare speak smh. God help Africa
Politicians should be bold enough to share the info.
By the virtue of living in the country legally under permanent residence after 5 years.
You qualify to become a citizen.
You simply need to apply.
You are not from South Africa by birth… but you apply.
It's not rocket science.
You acquire citizenship.
You simply need to apply .
In that case…
Your children are south African.
For you to acquire citizenship at times they even ask you to renounce your birth citizenship from your country of origin.
The child of a naturalized foreigner(foreign who acquired citizenship…not under any permit)…is a south African
Her parents gv officials a Pepsi
Listen to the interview her father had and all i can say the mother is south african and dad is Nigerian is very much questionable because on the interview her father said that he had only arraived in SA during the world cup in 2010 and if he only came here in 2010 without kids ? Then where was his daughter really born coz she is 23… aww the math is not mathing
You can see chidimaa is clueless about SA past and present. If she valued SA why did she put mozambique and nigerian flags but no SA flags.
She can not speak Sesotho venda or any South African. You can not be miss South Africa but you show up with foreign attires and heritage of foreign countries. miss mozambique is going to be mozambique first same for nigeria. So miss SA must put SA first
Owamie its not mozambikweni its mozambican😅
she is not proudly south african so thina senje njani sibe proud ngaye like how???
Ninja signing in ❤
Make up yakho Ntombi😂
She was not born in SA,she was supposed to be 14 yrs
Watch SMWX on this topic.
Y’all need to read n understand your constitution and law n not make videos that show uneducated one is…. ( with all due respect )
American ID and green card still doesn’t make me a citizen . She need to stop with crap and go to Nigeria
😂😂well for what I know is
You can get a citizenship by marriage or one parent being south Africa or being adopted by a south African
Being born here doesn't count they don't get a birth certificate well a south African one they don't get one they get something that allows the parents to get their certificate from their country so little miss mam is not and it has been I don't know why she decides to enter miss SA I don't know how she got her ID ebile
She is a citizen yes .. kodwa inkabayakhe ilele komalume ,which Nigeria
She cannot stand represent south africa ns
Born and bred in SA doesn't make you SOUTH AFRICAN
Guys we really have to fight for this useless constitution to be changed. We pay tax so we should be consulted