Watch This Before You Buy A DTG T-Shirt Printer – Why I Sold My Direct To Garment Printer
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SupaColor Heat Transfers
Equipment for T-Shirt Biz (Affiliate)
Graphtec Cutter
Cameo Cutter + Heat Press
Cameo Cutter
Budget Heat Press
Heat Presses I Use:
Hotronix Heat Press
Geo Knight Swing Away Press
Geo Knight Auto Open
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Comments (45)
Decided to give white toner transfers a try.
Just purchased a Uninet iColor 800, subscribe for upcoming content!
Anoder ting 😂😂
What if they steal the you design? 😮
Can u do photos on a dtg printer
😢 do you know anyone that want to buy a DTG printer?
I am so done. Because I was so excited about getting this printer. I thought my work was gonna be pushed out faster. 😮NOT 😮
Hi Rich how did you sell your DTG printer. I agree with everything you said, and more.
My DTG printer is just sitting because it is too slow. It doesn’t always print what I see. It takes a long time to tap on what you want to print. I am sort of disappointed because of the price I paid for it and now I’m stuck so I want to sell it.
🤔$10k for an Epson F2100, got me thinking Rich.
Dude, you just answered all my questions LOL. Thanks a ton man. This was very informative. Sounds like a major pain in the butt if you're not pushing shirts out constantly. And the ink wasting sucks.
How do you get logos to send to outsourcing?
Would really like to know what brand blank shirt your wearing in this video? Thanks
where do u outsource the dtg work for cheaper at?
I’m thinking about selling my dtg printer, do you recommend where to sell it?
Im so confused how it took more time on production? you shove it in the machine, as oppose to all the heat pressing and printing the sheet and every time having to throw away the sheet. sounds like that would take way longer to me.
Let me give u and advice
Don’t buy a dtg
gotdamn! thank u….outsource
I’m so glad the I saw this video when I did 😅 I almost bought it because I wanted the best of the best but I’m barely starting up a business and will wait!
Thanks bro… awesome information.
Questions. I just want to do simple quotes with a bit of color.
Example: Is The Grease Poppin Yet?! In the color blue, black shirt or white and big enough to see across the whole shirt. Cause this cricut and Heat press don't cover enough shirt space.
I wasn’t trying to hate on info… I thought new dtg are more like 1-3min per print… awesome page brother! I subscribed.
Hustle what's the best heat press and cutter to get?
Tattoos make you look like some prison bitch hand around.
This ninja cute🤣
Hey Rich, my GTX is coming next week. We upgraded from the GT3. All those pain points you mentioned are real. Luckily, the technology is improving with each model that drops. I totally feel you on having to get an employee too. I’m primarily a designer, not a printer, but my business partner is a printer so it works out lovely. Tell these designers to pair up with a good operator and break bread. You’ll both be happy, and the resulting print runs will speak for themselves. That’s my 2 cents. Great content as always and KEEP HUSTLING.
Thanks bro 🙏
Thanks for the advice
So are you saying i should just take my designs to a print company and let them do all the printing for me?
Are these inks Mek or Acetone
Let's be honest OmniPrint loaned you their printer, just like everyone else who suddenly quit. You guys had to return the machine lol
Thank you for sharing your experienced in DTG printing and it reminds me in my full strength which in Sales Sales i have this kind of business since 2007
and i may not grow well because of most the im doing the prodcution too , thank Rich that we may able to do sales and outsource the production for me
to save time …Thank You
How many shirts can you do with 1 cartridge since so expensive
So is it better to start with vinyl, sublimation, or dtg in your opinion?
Thank you for all the information. Very helpful to me. Stay safe bro.
You are 100 percent correct. The other problem I had was the customer wanted a complex original design ,spend at least an hour for the artwork and only want to pay 20 -30 bucks….HEY FUCK OFF
You said you outsource rather than employee. Where did you find your outsource help? I'm wanting to focus on one part of the business so I don't want to concern myself with the marketing
I like your honest review of the process of the DTG. I was always very curious and always wanted one. What I learned from your video. Yeah, figure out where you want to focus your attention. Is it production or marketing/sales. I agree you cannot really focus on both at the same time. Is it better to outsource the print work and focus on the sales. That depends on what you want to do. I'm glad I saw this video.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Much success to you and your business 😎🤜🏼
hello, i’m a new start up, got a clothing business on mainly t shirt and hoodies, can you please suggest me an affordable printer.. im from india
Oof thank you!
appreciated the tips here bro.was planning to get one and after watching this i need to do more research. What is your recommendation
Thoughts on the epson f2100?
Try dtf printer
dtg printers have gotten faster. I have a Ricoh Ri1000. It moves pretty quick but the prep work and maintenance can become daunting at times.
it has a been a huge learning process but i have been blessed to have the time to learn and earn from it.
definately do your homework before yo cop one.
I get it…didn't wanna create a 1040….goes against the model building the brand 1st before production automation and streamlined. Thanks for the perspective.