Could cannabis help you sleep? | Jennifer Walsh | TEDxKingsParkSalon
In a world-first study we have the first indications of whether medicinal cannabis can benefit people with insomnia. It’s early days, so the evidence is still growing… but the early results are promising.
Dr Jennifer Walsh leads the research and education teams at the Centre for Sleep Science at the University of Western Australia and the sleep physiology research team at the West Australian Sleep Disorders Institute at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Jennifer’s research focuses on investigating the causes of, and treatments for, sleep disorders including obstructive sleep apnoea and insomnia. Since 2016 her research has included investigating the use of medicinal cannabis for the treatment of sleep disorders. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Comments (33)
"Too much of anything, Lieutenant, even love, is not necessarily a good thing."–James T. Kirk
I can weigh in on this. For the longest time I had bad insomnia. And I didn't know why. I used cannabis and it seemed to help. Recently I discovered that I am sensitive to seed/vegetable oils. Seed oils caused inflammation and my insomnia. I got off seed oils completely (it took a while). Then i got off cannabis. And I sleep fine now. I don't miss canabis because I generally feel good all the time now.
It's interesting how we keep saying we need to see the research. The research has been done in Israel for almost 60 years. What's wrong with referencing that research?
You really needed to say, it really needs to be legalized so that we can conduct the proper studies because the effects are likely misunderstood and can be effect at treating many symptoms or illnesses. That last part can be edited but come on and just say it. i know how old this is but whatever.
Cannabis is a dream thief. Not just your night dreams, it can steal your day dreams too.
Medicinal cannabis has been revolutionary to my sleep. As a shift worker of 20 years my sleep is generally awful. I use a very small amount about once every 10 to 14 days, I get 10 to 12 hours sleep that night and the effect on more restful sleep lasts about a week. I can see it in my smart watch sleep scores as well as subjectively feel the difference. For me it somehow breaks the circuit of waking up in the middle of the night and being unable to get back to sleep.
It is also waaaaaaayyyyyy less expensive than the combined psychology/acupuncture/massage combo that helped but less reliably. I really hope that we can start moving more quickly on legalisation.
I appreciate her talk and the work she does. However, I'm not going to wait for academics and scientists to complete their years of study to know what I already know. Marijuana, particularly in edible form, helps me sleep like a baby. I went from 4 to 5 hours of fitful sleep for years, despite a pretty good diet and lots of exercise, to 8 to 9 hours of deep sleep after consuming about 20 mg of THC an hour or so before bed. People who suffer from a chronic lack of sleep do not have the luxury of waiting for academia to be comfortable with what millions of regular people already know. With all due respect.
Decent weed knocks me right out.
I can't live with people who smoke or date them
24 participants?. This is the most comprehensive study ever done on cannabis and insomnia?? You can barely run stats on a sample size that small, let alone obtain any statistical power. That was worthy of a Ted talk? Yikes.
Without a doubt.
I started in 1975! Still like it! Too late to quit!??😂
THC actually keeps me awake . It is an upper to me
I have eaten kanibis gummies for sleep for 4 years. I love it.
It works for me, diagnosed with PTSD by the VA. I don't use as a party drug; leave the house, don't drive or share with others. I smoke small doses an hour or two before bed and include Yoga. I fall asleep quickly, still have dreams wake up at 6am every day, retired but active. I do not dose throughout the day. An ounce will last me 3+ months and I refill at a state approved dispensary tested for contamination, not on the street. I sleep through the night in bed by 9:30 and up at 6: 00 7 days a week; this had never happened NEVER! I continue with my mental health program religiously along with daily swimming and or Yoga. You can manage smarter or you can continue down that slippery slope staying stoned throughout the day. It works if y'all work it!
I genuinely mean it when I express my stress and concern regarding the market crash and high inflation, particularly in relation to my retirement. I have been experiencing losses for quite some time, and while some may argue that crises can present opportunities, I am feeling overwhelmed. However, I understand that investing is a long-term endeavor, and it is crucial to maintain focus on the bigger picture and the long run.
definitely far more effective and better than anything big Pharma pushes. No question
I've been smoking for ~40 years. I'll save you a ton of research funds. The answer is yes, it does help sleeping.
A study of 24 people is insufficient. THC interferes with REM sleep. It isn't surprising that some would sleep 30 min. longer if their minutes of REM sleep were reduced. Whether the quality of sleep was improved or diminished is the issue. Giving this talk without mentioning established effects of THC on REM sleep seems disingenuous.
CBN with CBD combined with an indica is the best sleep ever!
My favorite gummies are extra strength 300 mgs each
Could not have been that big of a study the never asked me anything and u been smoking weed for 60 years
I find thc at night to be helpful for sleep
Cannabis withdrawal is real.
Freaky dreams for weeks
I don't think it's a good choice for sleep regulation. It eventually caught up to me. Do the work of self-care and fight to sleep without THC.
I quit cannabis for years, got into meditation, got a good work/life balance, quit booze, quit caffeine, ate healthy food, exercised well and my insomnia could sometimes still be awful. Trust me, I really tried living like a spiritual life, and I could be up till 5am with insomnia. I got back into edibles because my asthma flared up and edibles have always been good for my lungs. The insomnia didn't go immediately, but it is so more preferable to be awake with insomnia and stoned rather than just awake with insomnia. Also, for millions of years our ancestors were nocturnal to avoid dinosaurs, so maybe insomnia is just natural.
If they just gave it to kids in the 90s instead of Ritalin and other pharmaceutical poisons, we would be better off today
If U seen how much I can smoke you would say and your still alive AND healthy ..and yes I am ….and I have electrical engineering qualification that I passed in my 40s …you should research a group of ADHD smokers ..and I don't smoke cigarettes…..granted smoking isn't good for my lungs but years of flooring did way worse to my lungs ..legalised solvents abuse in the flooring industry
Smoked for years and it really helps my ADHD saying that most meds have reverse affect on me uppers bring me down Downers bring me up ..but dam I sleep well if I smoke
Unfortunately, the resistance from those unable to make money from a natural product that can be grown at home will continue as they make good profits from doctor prescribed sleep medications.
What was the used in your initial study?
IE: 2.5 thc and 1 cbn
How can you not know the difference between a placebo and THC laced medication?
I have PTSD . Which caused night terrors . Nothing helped . Until I joined a university of Sydney study . I was prescribed CBD oil with THC. I have never slept better . Very few nightmares since .
Therefore I have continued .
Our minds don't reach rem on weed when sleeping, deep sleep gets skipped.
Having smoked on average about 1 gram a day of cannabis for decades this is easy to answer. It definitely helps you sleep well, although it does prevent dreaming properly. I gave up about 6 weeks ago and now can't get a full night's sleep and have trouble getting to sleep but I do remember dreams I have quite clearly. I now wake up with a much clearer head but can feel a bit sleepy in the daytime.
The best study and quantity to try in my opinion would be to take about a third to half a gram in the evening, that should give a good night's sleep without the 'hangover '. I am writing this at 2.30 in the morning as I can't get to sleep!