Partying After Dark In Cape Town South Africa – Is it Dangerous?
I explore Long Street , which is the best street to party after dark in downtown Cape Town South Africa.
Long Street is a major street located in the City Bowl section of Cape Town, South Africa. It is famous as a bohemian hang out and the street is lined with many book stores, various ethnic restaurants and bars. Restaurants include African restaurants such as Zula, and Indian restaurants such as Masala Dosa.
Comments (33)
Go to where majority people are white you'll be better of with them as compared to the other races aka blacks/ africans
Why didn't you try and interview some of the people on the streets of cape town 🤔
capetown is interesting
if he just walked a 100 m. on into kloof street,its becomes very busy and more upmarket
Somewhat lively, uneventful. Seems totally fine at night. I'm investigating Cape Town for my anniversary. been really onto getting to Africa to experience it. Thanks for the post.
The children are partying and the adults are eating. LOL This was interesting. It appears that I may like it better in the day time. Thanks for sharing but you never shared if it was dangerous or not!
Jozi is popping
It’s all the same thing in even the hot spots in America. We live in different times now.
Cape Town gangs and their extortions have made the place what it is today
what camera you use?
I’m an African American from a place from Compton, CA…
I was a victim of police brutality which I still suffer with today.
I moved to South Africa 2 years ago and I’ll be honest,
I have never felt so loved and welcomed in my entire life.
I have more real friends than ever and I’m treated like a brother everywhere I go.
Never going back to America,
Any African Americans reading this feeling what I went through DO NOT hesitate and please my dear brother or sister just book the flight to SA ✈️
Don’t listen to the people mentioned the crime,
It’s the Europeans that all the terrible stuff happens too.
If your African by roots going back in history and you are humble you will be more than welcome here I promise you ❤
Sigh. Cape Town is not South Africa. Like going to Hawaii and telling people they’ve been to the US.
Want to experience the ‘real dangerous’ experience if that’s your thing, then stay longer than a 2 week holiday and go over the mountain to Johannesburg.
I laugh at Foreigners that try and look like experts and choosing tourist safe spaces to seem like they are living in the edge.
As someone who had friends murdered, I think these video titles are pathetic. Like the German kid that as recently murdered and don’t make news. They also have this idea of no crime and then pay the ultimate price due to stupidity.
I used to stay at the top in Gardens in 2000’s.. long str was wild!
Long Street was it back in the day. I'm not old but ten years ago we used to get the last train there from fish hoek. And it was an absolute jol. A bit dangerous sure. Just be street smart. But it was great. So good. Then we got the first train back to fish hoek in the morning from town around 5am. Good Times.
South africa is like USA but black owned version
This is best I have seen south African videos keep going Sir
We got robbed at gunpoint in broad light in 2022 and my gf was threatened to get raped.
We were followed for over ten mins by a group of black males.
They were like a wild pack of animals.
I would say it's highly UNSAFE in SA for white people like me in some areas.
Next time I’ll try and hang out with some black tourists bc I hear they are all fine with no issues 😮
But none of them seemed to want to speak with us for some reason.
what camera do you use?
Hemp shop and CD shop my favourite spots
Is it safe for a tourist from Europe to come ?
Long street is no longer viewed as safe. All the shit kicks off after 12/1am. I remember once seeing someone revving the shit out of their car and it setting on fire. I’ve seen insane street fights there. Not to mention every corner there is a pick pocket trying to steal your shit. A lot has to do with the organized crime and protection rackets in Cape Town. Lower long street is a much safer and classier region as you can see in the start of the film.
Looks like downtown Nigeria
"Evil under the Sun",
(s)atan is working overtime. Even though you don't see it during the day time, doesnt mean its not happening during the day time.
It just doesn't happen at night, anymore. satan and satan's minnions are desperate. BEWARE.
Looks like a western city
awesome video thanks for sharing safe travels
I grew up in JHB and Rocky street was The Place😊 it has also seen its demise 😢❤
The dangerous part of Cape Town is in the townships you was in the wrong place the good Cape Town the less criminal activity but go to the townships if you have a death wish
Used to frequent long street especially 169 and friction in late 00s mid 10s…no load shedding , it was safer , better vibes really. This looks sad
loved this video!!!
how is that in africa? that looks like a street in europe
Are you an American doing this video? Why dont you mind your own business. Go and do that in your own country. Why are you insistent on putting this out about Cape Town? Go back we do'nt need you😡 why dont you tell us what happens in California& Philadelphia with your drugs?
What's the purpose of this? Looks quite sad. Nothing nice 😢
This place was a party mecca back in the early 2000 – 2010, people were partying on the sidewalks, music buzzing everywhere. Sad, it looks run down. Maybe crime and certain elements have taken it's toll on good old Long Street. The City of Cape Town should launch a campaign to revamp this once famous party street, get rid of all the unwanted elements.