
What’s the Biggest Difference Between Africans and African-Americans?

What’s the Biggest Difference Between Africans and African-Americans?

What’s the Biggest Difference Between Africans and African-Americans?

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Comments (45)


    If you weren't born in Africa nor your parents… you are not African American…. you are a black American. Obama (African father) and Elon Musk are true African Americans

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @JohnSmith-we5lf Reply

    It's not color it's mindset attitude and education or lack of. The welfare system is a terrible thing. Teach a man to fish don't hand out free fish dinner and keep him wallowing in ignorance..used to be 200 yr a illegal to teach blacks to read these day no need pass them thu school and set them onto the society illiterate and victims mentality you geothermal currently hostile environment

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @danielcary7357 Reply

    He is right

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @veronicacobb3036 Reply

    Blue hair is correct and it works both ways. In reverse, AA do better in any country in Africa than the locals as well no different than immigrants from Europe doing better than white Americans.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @LN-Lifer Reply

    Cuz their families / culture has not been destroyed by the racist white left

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @louissampson4885 Reply

    It's Racism!!!

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @Bigsmoove7112012 Reply

    Black Africans doing better than African Americans 🤔🤔?

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @mikekelley303 Reply

    You did comprehend what he was saying..lol

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @kj1256w Reply

    It's a combination of both, not just one thing

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @alb6804 Reply

    Blue hair doesn't know what he is talking about.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @WatchyourBack-cu9ci Reply

    How is a gay white dude with blue hair gonna try to explain to a black guy the differences between black people I swear liberals are so pretentiously racist they don’t even see their own hypocrisy

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @isaacford7172 Reply

    That’s a lie the color do have something to do with go back and listen to Obama speech remember he says instead of giving Jamal a job they would give it to Jimmy Obama is 100% right about that

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @jaimarai6865 Reply

    They are lying most immigrants are just as poor and struggling just like Americans.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @kiaq1153 Reply

    I think her great grandparents were immigrants

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @Quiiick_ Reply

    Blue hair was right

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @williamcroy8261 Reply

    It's all about culture and has nothing to do with skin color

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @S.C.-wo8hq Reply

    To have the opportunity to immigrate to the US from a non-border country, i.e Mexico, you have to have so much going for you. You're often talking about people coming from two-parent housrholds, both parents being professionals. You're often talking the best of the best from your country. Plus,often when we say "African" immigrants, we're talking Nigerians who much like East Indians are incredibly strict when it comes to education, etc.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @DisabusingTheLeft Reply

    A-M-E-N!!!! Having enough sense to know that in order to do well in ANY capitalist, developed society one MUST be well-educated, obtain highly sought skills and be able to communicate effectively with people of different backgrounds. Everybody else has figured that out LONG AGO and seen positive results.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @chillertechtexas4375 Reply

    Blue hair equals lack of intelligence

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @Ghostintthemachine Reply

    Why is all of Africa still one big sh*t hole if Africans claim to be so big on principles, family, and education? Africa is the richest continent in terms of resources yet the vast majority of people live in poverty.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @thepoliticaltrap3010 Reply

    Why does East Indian's and Asians have more wealth that Africans ???

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @randyfarnsworth7825 Reply

    Step one.. Stop drinking the Elite White Liberal Cool Aid. They don’t think you’re smart enough to live without their help.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @toddplantz2815 Reply

    Black American.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @richardshaw908 Reply

    Let's go!

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @anthonymurdock3107 Reply

    Because she has no Idea of who we are, not the same experience.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @michaelwaninger3155 Reply

    This is why you don't bring people with blue hair on your show.😂😂 I mean what the f*ck? Where do they come up with that crap.😂

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @octaviojimenez9274 Reply

    Yup. Mindset and the toxic culture. Ain't this the guy that let's his gf smash on the side? Eww

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @westbake3916 Reply

    It's a home problem, not a race or cultural problem..

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @adisaadmin161 Reply

    You are wrong and so is the white man!!!!!!!!! jason noooooo…..

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @michaelblankenship7605 Reply

    I've known a few Nigerians and Gambians. They are some strong people. The problem here is too many people are stuck on Mr. Charlie's Democrat Party plantation.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @FatalFinality Reply

    You and he made the same point. I hope that WAS your point in this video.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @joenew2997 Reply

    Inherited wealth and social wealth. They always say it's not what you know but who you know. And inherited wealth gives you the support system to take risk and fail and start something new. I'm not denying that personal responsibility plays a big part. On the other hand there are many systems in place to prevent descendents of the enslaved from rising as a whole and to only allow a few to really become succeesful. Immigrants get all kind of tax breaks, grants and subsidies to build businesses. The story is told in the data and statistics. I think this argument is useless. The politicians and the billionaires are taking all the money and this once successful country will be third world very shortly. And poor black people don't have anything to do with that.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @rosierose6008 Reply

    Africans and African Americans are from vastly different worlds…their experiences from birth to adult are not the same, the environment they grow up in is conducive to their outcome.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @fitnessguru8012 Reply

    The simp just unintentionally proved that mindset is the issue. African blacks also have their father in their life. Africans actually have A Culture, while American blacks take part in The Culture. A and The are extremely different!

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @daviddisla5268 Reply

    Sorry…. people rrom Africa are just like upper class white people?!

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @thisisscorpio6024 Reply

    Nailed it!

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @delsijoy705 Reply

    Immigrants, from whatever country, are generally treated better than African Americans, in this country.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @jenezpoplar601 Reply

    We African Americans BUILT THIS COUNTRY that everyone comes to enjoy!

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @yakubu05 Reply

    They are both right. My parents came to England because they were very intelligent and had opportunities to study in England and Japan despite growing in poverty. The culture they grew in was study study study, that was their way out. The black culture in England however is not good and if you mix with the wrong crowd it's easy to get swept in to stipud shit. I have seen some Africans loose their way.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @kittenkorleone2918 Reply

    What i find appalling is that most blacks continue to believe that whites are to blame for their inaction to make better choices in life. A black female can't blame whites if SHE chooses to have a babies out of wedlock, drop or of school and won't work.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @nicoleweaks274 Reply

    Both need to shut up!!

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @terrydow3452 Reply

    Outcomes are different because their values and culture are different. It's about choices

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @edwardp268 Reply

    How many times does this have to be repeated. No immigrant, Black, white, or in between has or had to deal with the absolute institutionalized and codified obstacles that American Descendants Of Slavery (aka. Foundational Black Americans or Black Americans) has and had to deal with. If these obstacles and operations were not put in place and kept in place we (ADOS) would even be surpassed white people in this country. Little infuriates me as much as that oft repeated garbage of "how can immigrants come here with nothing and do so much better and so much more quickly than Black Americans"; it's the fakest and most pathetic flex, second only to "there's no racism against Black Americans". Fresh and Fit are watched by Black Americans, held up by Black Americans, and then insult Black Americans just as immigrants do Black Americans all the time. And understand that dynamic only exists because of codified white supremacy laws against Black Americans. Think I'm lying, as a group of well off Black Americans in let's say Nigeria, India, or Brazil as examples: let any individual Black American or group thereof speak of their people as many of you immigrants in the US speak of Black Americans and watch what would happen to those Black Americans whether they were right or wrong, given citizenship or not. You are able to do that because the white system of government, it's laws, and customs allows for any and all to participate in anti Black American racism so to keep white Americans from ever having to answer to those (Black people) that they enslaved, raped, murdered, experimented on, robbed, cheated, ate the flesh of etc. and you immigrant punk bastards are more than happy to assist those white punk bastards in doing it. But if you were so intelligent, so fast learning, so advanced then why could you not show those great advancements and flex in the countries that you came from? Answer that. Word to all of you: this will not last forever, so enjoy your ignorant oft repeated flex.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @edwardp268 Reply

    How many times does this have to be repeated. No immigrant, Black, white, or in between has or had to deal with the absolute institutionalized and codified obstacles that ADOS has and had to deal with. If these obstacles and operations were not put in place and kept in place we (ADOS) would even have surpassed white people in this country. Little infuriates me as much as that oft repeated garbage of "how can immigrants come here with nothing and do so much better and so much more quickly than Black Americans"; it's the fakest and most pathetic flex, second only to "there's no racism against Black Americans". Fresh and Fit are watched by Black Americans, held up by Black Americans, and then insult Black Americans just as immigrants do Black Americans all the time. And understand that dynamic only exists because of codified white supremacy laws against Black Americans. Think I'm lying, as a group of well off Black Americans in let's say Nigeria, India, or Brazil as examples: let any individual Black American or group thereof speak of their people as many of you immigrants in the US speak of Black Americans and watch what would happen to those Black Americans whether they were right or wrong, given citizenship or not. You are able to do that because the white system of government, it's laws, and customs allows for any and all to participate in anti Black American racism so to keep white Americans from ever having to answer to those (Black people) that they enslaved, raped, murdered, experimented on, robbed, cheated, ate the flesh of etc. and you immigrant punk bastards are more than happy to assist those white punk bastards in doing it. But if you were so intelligent, so fast learning, so advanced then why could you not show those great advancements and flex in the countries that you came from? Answer that.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm
  • @jleffej1 Reply

    These people are babies. clueless with a lot of growing up to do.

    December 22, 2023 at 10:09 pm

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