
roland bt-12 ink

Best Budget T-Shirt Printer?! Roland BT-12 DTG Review

Best Budget T-Shirt Printer?! Roland BT-12 DTG Review

This is my in-depth review of the Roland BT-12 DTG Garment Printer. It's compact in size, simple to operate, fast to print, and the DTG quality looks great! Let me show you how to set it up, make prints, and who this printer could be good for. Roland VersaSTUDIO BT-12: https://www.rolanddga.com/products/printers/versastudio-bt-12-direct-to-garment-printer Gildan Crew T-Shirts (White 6-pack): https://amzn.to/3nqw4ic Gildan Assorted Black (5-pack): https://amzn.to/3FsNZuE Roland Setup Video: https://youtu.be/8nlSd6uU5qg @dunnadidit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggNA4H83bsC3NAmqczZCGg My TikTok:...