Print On Demand DTG vs Screen Printing T-shirt Print Quality Review l Make Money As An Artist
Print On Demand DTG vs Screen Printing T-shirt Print Quality Review l Make Money As An Artist
If you’re an artist who’s looking into creating passive income by selling t-shirts, this is the video for you! In this video I compare and contrast different types of t-shirts to show you the difference from Screen printing and direct to garment printing. Screen printing is the most optimal way to get the best looking shirt. They retain color better than direct to garment. Screen printed shirts with age start to crack but still remain looking great. With Direct to garment there’s a chance your shirt doesn’t look the same after 100 washes because pieces of the print might come off when they are being washed, they are much more delicate than screen printed shirts. The biggest con of screen printed merchandise is the price, because it takes time to set up the screen print and they have mandatory minimums. If this is your first time making shirts, Print on Demand might be for you! When you are screen printing a shirt you must know it’s going to sell, otherwise it could be a costly flop!
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Comments (39)
Thank you for watching! If you’d like to learn more about how to start your own art business check out my FREE guide – 8 Steps To Launch Your Online Store:
Hi Janet. Nicely done video. I'm writing an article about DTG and would like to use a screenshot of your video to demonstrate the wear after washing on DTG. Please reply to authorize. Thank you!
Hi. thanks for the video. How is the feel when you put them on? Can you please share? i guess the screen print, you probably can't feel the print but the dtg, you might? am i right? thanks in advance
your art is sick, love it.
Thank you for making this video. It was very informative.
do you think DTG is okay for shirts that have just a black and white design and font?
Hey. Great video and really informative, thanks. I wanted to know which printing style offers a softer finish? I don't like being able to feel the design through the shirt, as I'm highly sensitive. They both look like the finally product is kind of crispy, i don't know how better to explain. Which do you think is the best? Thanks
thank u so much for the comparison exactly what i needed
Do you have a Facebook account?
Thanks for posting this. Such business transparency well said in clothing printing in your video helps me.
Finally an honest review on DTG print quality after many washes.
where can I buy those shirts?? they look amazing 😮
Learned a lot. Thank you! Been looking for a place to print a single shirt for myself
Where is the first tshirt, the Fight shirt from?? It’s so cute!!
Thank you.
"Thot leader" lol. I aint gon lie. Thats a clever design you came up with there.
Great info, thanks!
What do you recommend for full color images? Screen Printing can become expensive when multiple colors come into play. I have full color designs from scanned images to print on shirts and I am not sure the best way to go in terms of great quality/cost effective.
Great video.
Thank you loads!!
Wow awesome art.
very help full but l was thinking is nathing like screen printing the color go more into the t-shirt and stay long because is paint
Thank you. Wish I'd have watched this before my boyfriend bought DTG. He will do political stuff on it and I will just print my digital art. I hate political stuff. I heard so much good about DTG. Something told me this is going to be nothing but a royal pain with a less than desirable outcome. Love your artwork, by the way. Mine is mostly fractally stuff. At least I know not to expect much. No printers ever capture the true colors in my artwork on paper so far. Including the Epson Eco Tank I burned up in a matter of months printing 3 file boxes worth of my art then laminating it for no apparent reason other than I wanted hard copies. Oh, well.
Thank you so much!!!! I have some designs I want to try out on mostly hoodies and some T-shirts to add to my store. This really helped me and I am very grateful ! 🌹💕 Great video 🙏
I’ve ordered dtg prints 4 times from various companies and all were disappointing. Screen printing is beautiful and the way to go 👍
Which, if any, POD cut and sew companies have you tried? how did they turn out? likes/dislikes?
Thank you for teaching a newbie. 🎊 🎊 🎉 🎉🎊 ❤
DTG ink gets cured the exact same way as screen printing does, I suggest doing more research.
Very very good work! Do you do commissions?
As the owner of a Printing company I have a lot of experience with all processes of T-shirt printing and there is SOO much incorrect and misleading information in the video. Just wanted to say to everyone watching, do your homework before buying and never get all your facts from one video. Please just be aware, very few people on YouTube are pro's in the things they speak on and a lot of their opinions are just that.. Opinions
Super useful! I have tons of screen printed and DTG printed shirts and know the difference… but as I ramp up my tshirt design business, including selling wholesale, I want to offer top quality because I know the retail customer can sometimes pay $30 for a shirt. I think, with your review, I'm gonna stick with screen printing primarily, DTG on my print on demand options. This will also help me work to use halftones and limited color selection into my personal style and bran, in addition to the added durability and vibrancy.
which print on demand company do y'all recommend?
love your video!!! it help me alot im starting a clothing brand here soon im talking to manufacture right now and i was goin to do DTG for my first t-shirts!!!
Which company was used for the screen printing?
very nice video with lots of helpful details! just ask do you think DTG can handle text/slogan based colour t-shirts well? for example one line of large white text on a colour shirt. Thanks! Not sure how much the shirt colour would show through and would it crack much…
I can not agree with all statements you have made. I think it may be a good idea for you to further research the pros and cons between the different printing methods and this time emphasize what is your opinion and what is fact. I appreciate your effort.
Thank you.
Hii. great video, very informative. Question, Is dtg good for printing pictures on shirts ?. Not animation
Clicked because you looked like the girl who made a rap song about animation and seems like you're the same person? Haha. Awesome vid. Cool to see what you're up to now!