How to Sell Your Own BRANDED Products on Amazon FBA WITHOUT a Trademark
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Comments (13)
If I sell products with my own brand, does that mean I can not have an amazon store?
thanks for sharing info
I created my own product and have my own patent. Nothing out there exists. How can I get around the patent caveat?
Thank you so much Abby this is great because I know I have to get trademark eventually, but not on these products that I want to initially sell! 🤩🔥
Thanks great info
Hi I want to join your team how can I join
I learn so much from you! You are the only Amazon seller who doesn't hate keep 😂💕
So beautiful, and intelligent!❤❤❤
Question! Not related to trademark but how much does Amazon take on each sale?
I want to trademark my business name but it has already been trademarked however there business resides in Canada. Would I still be able to trademark that same name in the US and sell the complete opposite of what they are?
I want to create a dummy listing to make sure that I don’t have any issues selling my product but it asks for brand name. I’ve heard if you select “generic” and try to change it later it’s a nightmare. Should I wait to create my listing until I have photos of my brand on the product? I feel like that is backwards
Can you sell other peoples brands without your own trademark ?
nice video ❤, im 17 and i want to start should i wait 4 months until i turn 18? or can i ask to use my parents information