
$100 vs $25 vs $5 WHITE T-SHIRT

$100 vs $25 vs $5 WHITE T-SHIRT

$100 vs $25 vs $5 WHITE T-SHIRT

$100 vs $25 vs $5 WHITE T-SHIRT.
Instagram → @timdessaint
T-shirts linked below ↓

Primark t-shirt: bit.ly/40wSwrk
H&M t-shirt:
UNIQLO t-shirt:
COS t-shirt:
Represent t-shirt: (different colour)
Studio Nicholson t-shirt:

The polo shirt I’m wearing in the talking head shots: (different colour but it’s the same model)

Music downloaded from Epidemic Sound:

Shot with:
– Canon EOS R6:
– Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM Lens:
– Canon C70:
– Canon RF 28-70mm F2.0 Lens:

FTC: This video is not sponsored. Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning that I will earn a small percentage of sales when you click through and make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.


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Comments (45)

  • randomasian Reply

    the studio nicholson tshirt reminds me of the fit of Vetements… but Vetements tshirt's length is even longer, which ruins the entire look

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Huy Pham Reply

    maybe people love uniqlo but I have to say that my bad experiences with unique was suck with their t-shirts… so no more uniqlo anymore
    after washing their t-shirts mine were loosen the size too much. and the quality was bad. I don't know how to describe the feeling but I see something like leather feeling(?) at the end of t-shirts corner(?) (sorry my English is not good). not one but many of them not worth to buy if you are gonna plan to buy uniqlo

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Mirikino Reply

    this was a great video, very informative and very aesthetically pleasing. Great job!

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • ReturnTrip Reply

    comfort colors 1717, really enjoy them.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Chadsity Vang Reply

    you should do the champs sports 4 for 25 T's

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Nik Reply

    my favorite white tshirt is from arket. Keeps shape, It dont shrink and isn't see trough!

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • M. T Reply

    So I guess I'm looking for some advice here, I could probably afford to get 3 or 4 of the UQ t-shirts which is really all someone would need. (3 in white, 1 in black) BUT the issue comes with the fact that I have a tremor. (This means my hands shake uncontrollably) and certain days are so bad that eating often causes spills and stains. Don't get me wrong I know how to get these stains out but its a lot of effort and there's always a risk of ruining a really nice shirt when I could get a bundle of 10 H&M shirts for about the same price.

    Over the past year I've gotten untop of my depression, my drinking and lost a lot of weight (Late teens and early 20s was rough lmao), I've nearly achieved my ideal weight goal and I want to start feeling better in my body and take pride with how I dress. But I also don't want to spend money on something that could potentially be ruined.

    Any advice from you guys? I know I'm leaning towards the H&M stuff but the quality, as pointed out by the video, is less than stellar.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Bertmeister Reply

    Uniqlo Airism will never be 100% cotton. If they do that they will not be cool shirt anymore. Making it 100% cotton it will be warmer to wear. Airism is my go to when i workout it feels cool even tough i am working out

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • JNB Reply

    Yeah, if it is a white tee, I will spend under $20. $25 for a solid white henley is fine too.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Montecitodesign Reply

    Hmm, how about the pasta/marinara test?

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Vojtěch Bízek Reply

    "Fast fashion brands tend to use polyester"
    Primark: 100% cotton
    UNIQLO: 1/3 polyester take it or leave it

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Berkay Ünlü Reply

    I am a fabric manufacturer and garment maker myself for brands like HM, Cos, Zara but also for some high end ones as well. And I think price = quality is a very misleading assumption. A $5/yard fabric I sell can be cut into a $20 dress at Zara or $600 dress on the high street. All of those wash tests are applied on every single fabric we sell and usually they are not representative of quality, but just an erroneous production at the dye house. This happens literally all the time. Almost every order needs to be repaired in one way or another. To be frank, fast fashion retailers are much more strict about quality requirements than high end brands because they actually have systems and procedures in place to control the standards unlike smaller brands. Just know that the cost difference between a regular tshirt betweem those brands are usually at max $2/pc

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • werlyy Reply

    Uniqlo shirts are only 10 dollars. ??

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Jay Touvelle Reply

    If you want to look better lift weights and get fit , You will look better in any T shirt.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    I wish i live in the states, according to the site…i wanted to get two pcs of the XS size of the UNIQLO, but then…the shipping cost to west Africa, Nigeria, Lagos. I will be spending roughly $30 on total shipping cost and upon arrival, i will have to go pick up at drop-off facility or pay another $3/$4 to send dispatcher to me house.

    In total i will be spending roughly $35/$40 on shipping cost alone. I wish i can get a free delivery to Houston, Texas, U.S where my shipping facility is…i can cover other cost from the facility to Nigeria. I loved the video

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • zayn sheikh Reply

    bangladesh 🇧🇩

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Mohammad Zeeshan Reply

    What is the size of Uniqlo tee did you show in this vid?

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • @ Snehan Reply

    Which fabric is he wearing

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • cultofhercules Reply

    you get a sub because in contrast to many of the fashion channels out there, you have a genuine intent to spread good information out there rather than seeking validation for yourself.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Tukaty Reply

    Next time get them mixed so you don’t compare with price in mind subconsciously

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • dsp4 Reply

    Funny how a relaxed fit can be seen as "modern". In my eyes, the tighter, muscle fit is the modern fit. The relaxed fit looks a lot like what people were wearing in the 90s and to me looks very dated.

    Realistically, none of these are truly modern, as both fits have already been popular in the past.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Totopox Reply

    The material is for the health the most important thing. You don’t want some weird plastic going into your skin and stuff. Not real plastic but the toxin of it.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Joshua Contreras Reply

    I’m really surprised that my favorites in these tests ended up being primark and uniqlo as second

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Sound Theory Reply

    So you're saying I might want to consider buying a single white t-shirt instead of 5 white t-shirts of slightly lower quality. Hmm tough choice.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • bobfromholland Reply

    Try a HEMA shirt!!

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Nicc11221 Reply

    I kinda feel like you need to expand this to a $500 dollar version. The $25 and the $100 are mostly the same, with a lot of the same quality, but the @100 ones chose to have theirs made in Portugal, which does not make a difference. It's more expensive, has a better ring to it, but there's no difference. It's propaganda.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Bango Reply

    bro spent 260 dollars on white fabric

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Alvaro T Reply

    you could’ve tested the cotton version of the uniqlo tshirt

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Lucas Reply

    Need to do a $100 vs $600 vs $1000 vs $1500

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Florin Arjocu Reply

    I am one of those who prefer the cotton, no matter if you can get some better fit/resistance from a half plastic one. I am talking about daily products, not specialised ones. In some cases it might not be practical, like for socks, but for a t-shirt it is. Just imagine the recycling process or what happens to your t-shirt in the trash bin and after. Even worse if it is a mixture of different plastics and cotton.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Ryan Lopez Reply

    Let me put yall all on game.
    Kirkland brand white tees from costco

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Federico Chang Reply

    Hey @TimDessaint new subscriber here. And I thought i was the only freak when it comes to white t-shirts. A few comments… you did include a disclaimer about the fit (your preference is way more oversized than relaxed i’d say), but have u ever taylored ur Ts? Specially length (including sleeves). For the more expensive ones, made in Portugal what is the type of cotton they are using? My preference is Pima Cotton from Peru (egyptian cotton a good second and chinese a far third)… Opacity = thickness of the fabric? And if the fabric is a mix (Uniqlo) i dont think it is fair to be compared to the others… Finally as the manufacturing goes, I am thinking there’s probably little human labour in these clothing… I’ve never owned anything made in Portugal, but over the years I have paid well over a 100 bucks or closer to 200 for the “right” plain white T. With a 100% cotton it is 150% sure that it will shrink (and not proportionately), but when u buy it that is to be considered. Since thickness is not standard, I do pick lighter or heavier depeding on the season and the occasion.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Thomas Miskiewicz Reply

    100? You didn’t try 300-500 range. I think in the 5-100 not much of a difference

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • maximm Reply

    from where are those jeans? they look crazy

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Felix Fluch Reply

    Der Gewinner war überraschend schockierend 😮

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Mateusz Nasierowski Reply

    I have a question because I really liked your black shoes at the beginning of the video. What brand are they?

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • HungryPanda Reply

    I think it would be a better if you also used Hnm's heavy weight Tee instead of the normal ones

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Joel Teichreb Reply

    Anyone know where he got the baggy jeans from?

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Face De Blond Reply

    Conclusion : don't wash your 5$ tshirt

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Mikaszu Reply

    there are 100% cotton shirts in all price points.. that would be also investing to see if there are big differences. good video tho

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • deltasquared7777 Reply

    washing on "delicate" cycle and cold water is not a very meaningful test for the way most guys (including me) or laundries wash T shirts. As a prime criterion of T shirts is whether the collars hold their shape over a reasonable time, use, and multiple wash cycles. (incidentally, I now like 'True Classic' brand-they are inexpensive, a good value, and hold up well under normal to fairly heavy use; my personal size preference is more form fitting rather than baggy/oversize)

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • L CH Reply

    100% Cotton, « cool »…

    Well not really, other plastic based textiles, if recycled may are even better than natural cotton, knowing that most cotton plants are polluting rivers and poisoning underground, which ends killing everything on the surface… Most countries those brands use are concerned about water issues as well, and stop their production of food for the locals for cotton…

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Zannydress Reply

    The represent blank tee is in my opinion the best T-shirt. It’s not overly expensive and will definitely last you 20 years and I’d much rather pay the price of a single 70£ shirt once every 20 years than 5£ every month. (5£ every month for 20 years is 1,200£)

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Vince Banzon Reply

    Try Wrangler white t-shirts please

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm
  • Ephemeral Ash Reply

    16:15 I would say that cost of living is a much bigger factor than ethical working conditions for Europe being more expensive than South Asian manufacturing. Yes, there are cases of atrocious working conditions in some factories, but there's no need to assume that it is the most prominent reason for the price difference.

    November 22, 2023 at 5:23 pm

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