10 MUST TRY Cannabis Strains for 2024!
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Comments (45)
I buy weed in Las Vegas and it's not very good like the weed in Florida a whole lot better 100 times better 🧝💃🏝️
Fl- my favorite this year have been Blue Zushi, strawguava, and banana candy!
Lickety splits ice cream parlor.
whats the best strain for playing poker?
We only have the medical crap in Pennsylvania!
Thank u for info I have the rso og kush oil
Gary Payton strain wasn't that good at all.. wouldn't recommend
This channel is like kurzgazegt for stoners xD
Never had any of these strains, but would gladly try. Especially the Banana Zkittles. I’ve had other strains of Zkittles and they are all excellent on the ones I’ve sampled.
I don’t know where your from but all these weeds have been out over 6 years were the fuck you live in a cave there old weeds lmfao
Damn I need a plug
Reesez is the best strain ive ever tried. So much euphoria its crazy!!!! Been looking for it again for years!!!!
Each strain is carefully selected for its unique characteristics, with an emphasis on a harmonious blend of potency, aroma, and effects.
This channel is horrible no body want to see crappy cartoons
Purple Haze is still king 👑 though
a gram a day keeps the doctor away 🙂 havnt been to the doctor in almost 20 years now.
alien mintz from vivid, gorillad cheese by revolution, jenny kush by aeriz, black afghan all some of my favorites. ive almost smoked a whole pound of alien mintz its so amazing. hands down the best in the stl area by a long shot.
I say skunk is better
Holy Grial, Og kush, white widow…blue berry
I can't be bothered . TMI dude you're spoiling my buzz
If anyone on here can tell me where can I get the old skunk Bud and creeper weed that is in Missouri shit I'll be willing to even do delivery even deal for that weed. But the skunk Bud has to smell like a damn skunk cause it did in the 70&80
Don't want to see animated versions of weed. LAME!!!
Fantastic great
Oh my gosh, what if they made resin that was like 25-30% instead?
Some sad numbers hear, in oregon I get at least 5 different strains of 35% and up.
Jet Fuel strain is better than 80 % of these strains listed.
Animal mintz
Snowcaps!!!! Thank me later 🤯🤯🤯
Not sure about the crunch berries lineage. I am currently staring at a Superflux strain called blueberry kush that claims lineage of blueberry x of kush as mentioned being crunch berries. The description was extremely accurate so…. Lol
The guy in the maroon shirt and hat looks like Alec Baldwin 😂😂😂
I want to try the banana z skittles
Alcohol is way way way much deadlier than anything except for Heroin ,Fent , and Tranq . If you add up , domestic violence deaths , drunk driving , cirossis of the liver . Thats over a million deaths a year . I dont know one person who has died necause of pot . Its ridiculos
New school strains tend to be more terpene rich. Which is cool and some exotic flavors can be more pronounced but them old school strains hit harder
Tbh I'm really tired of all these fruity dessert strains :p give me some hindu kush, AK, headband, harlequin, or something like that instead
Where can I get some John snow og
Ok,i need feed back! I lived in texas and thru the southern US for most of my life. I moved to Denver 5 yrs ago! WTF did they do to my weed?
The Oz of weed i brought with me was just some red hair mexican weed nothing special i thought! That is till I got here and tried smoking this legal weed. I wish i had brought a couple pounds from tex.
I have even quit smoking for 6 months because I thought maybe i had built up a heavy tolerance some how. I don't/ can't get high smoking this genetically altered weed no matter how much or what strain. Now don't misunderstand this bud will wipe me out ,but I'm not high! Its more like shooting shots of anything over a 100 proof! And except for a few exceptions it all tastes the same . Like it's been soaked in diesel ,dirt and bugspray! I have tried just about all the sativas and indicas. I've ate supposedly the best gummies and drank infused soda and just about everything that they infuse with the thc. Then i tried the vape carts which are great if you like coughing your toenails up, same with the different kinds of waxes. Only with the wax have i got close enough to call what i got as high but it was quickly overwhelmed by the usual whatever you want to call it that i get from this stuff!
The mind altering effect of weed is what i like. That feeling of having a wave of euphoria wash over you. The different tastes and effects all adding to that feeling of euphoria! Tell me wheres the high. I know i didn't suddenly become immune from effects of thc. For one reason,everyone that smoked some of the weed wanted some,like where did you get this , what dispensary did you get this from ,whats its name? I won't try having some mailed to me,I've had all the dealing with the courts i care to have. And driving to Texas for a load of weed is what i would have done 40 years ago but like i said no more court cases or jail I'm to old for that nonsense! I may shoot for some seeds if i can find someone willing to send me some.
What i would like some feedback on is am i the only one that has noticed this. Has anyone else been disappointed over what we always wanted. I never thought I'd say this but im about ready to just quit! If i wanted a alcohol buzz i can just buy me a 12pack and a bottle of Jack!
The GOD given herb, from way back. Check your Bible.🤔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
My favorite strain is Grannies purple poontwang
This video is irritating me. Spitting right in face of the old- Snoop Dogg OG… sour diesel times OG Kush = sour OG. Blackberry Kush times whatever moon rocks isn’t Kush Barry Moonrocks Kush Barry is blueberry x OG Kush so that being said you’re Kush crunch is really kush berry which we picked up in Amsterdam after the millennium must have been around 05. Blueberries been around since before you were born call the strain what it is. you can’t just take Kush Barry and decide you’re gonna name it. Captain Kush crunch that shit don’t work . Snoop og is lemon og x sd
Why do we have to escape from reality?And I can't stand to mess the stinking mess .I'll stay with reality myself
The delta 8 plus other weed you buy from the smoke shop is CRAP WEED, it's no good. You haft to cough your head off to get a Buzz, plus it makes your throat & lungs hurt. Because it been tampered with, I prefer the 1960 & '70s real weed like Acapulco on the steam & seeds in it that's right from the plant its self. Your buying fake crap weed in todays market 👎🏻